Saturday, May 24, 2014

Farmers Market in Deering Oaks Park

Today I walked up to the Farmers Market in Deering Oaks Park. It's a nice day and there were a lot of people out. There are craft booths, musicians, and lots of plants, vegetables, meat, cheese, and eggs, among other things. I picked up a little of everything so we can sample which farms we prefer. I got a free hug, listened to a cello/guitar duo (among others), and chatted with the people there, working or shopping.

Hiking in Portland

Just up the road from me is Baxter Woods, a preserve set aside for hiking in the middle of Portland. I discovered that I could connect to the Forest City Trail, a ten mile hike that winds through Portland.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sundays on the Boulevard

The Back Cove Trail goes around the Back Cove in a 3 1/2 mile loop. Baxter Boulevard runs around one side of the Back Cove. The City of Portland has decided that on Sundays from May to October they will shut doortion of the road so that people may use it for walking, biking, roller blading or whatever, as long as it's non-motorized.
View from Tukey's Bridge
Today was just gorgeous, a little warm, but with  a nice breeze. There were a lot of people out enjoying the good weather. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring is here!

This week I've started to see signs of spring. Forsythia and daffodils are out, trees are blossoming, and birds are flocking around Portland. Ben and I saw a snowy egret as we walked around the Cove and there have been wood ducks and sandpipers out. The loudest has been a crow who loudly protested my taking pictures up at the Eastern Cemetery.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gray Wildlife Park

The Gray Wildlife Park and Ranger Station is basically across the lake from where we used to live in Otisfield. Almost every spring we'd take the boys over and whichever nieces, nephews, relatives and  friends that happened to be visiting. One year we saw a baby moose just a few hours after it had been born - it was bigger than our dog.

Deer waiting for some feed
The Ranger Station takes care of hurt animals or ones too tame or too odd (they have a lot of albinos) to survive in the wild. It's a great afternoon for small children and an easy walk around with cute exhibits and sessions for them.

The Tree Trail
Mama Moose
Turtle in the sun
Yesterday I took a ride up there and thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a nice afternoon, the Rangers are friendly and knowledgeable, and there were a lot of families there.

Brown Bear

Fox taking a nap

Trout at the Fish Hatchery
Bald Eagle

Albino Peacock


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Eastern Cemetery in Portland

I volunteer for FindAGrave, a site that posts pictures of graves so that the descendants can use them in their genealogy. I walked up to the Eastern Cemetery yesterday to take some pictures that people had asked for. The gate was locked and I walked all around it, trying to find a way in. Finally, I used my trusty IPhone to call the City of Portland and found that the key is held across the street at Carlson and Turner, an Antiquarian Book Store. What a temptation that store is! It carries used books, some very valuable, as well as maps, prints, and lithographs. The lady was very nice and when I finally tore myself away, gave me the key to the cemetery.

The cemetery is peaceful but beautiful, located near the Eastern Promenade, looking out over Casco Bay. It is the oldest cemetery in Portland, established in 1668, and is on the National Register of Historic Places. I wandered around and took about 250 pictures before it started to sprinkle. The rain was refreshing on a hot day, but sprinkles on slate ruin the pictures.
It was a good excuse to go back to the bookstore and browse. I also found
KnitWit, a yarn shop that I want desperately to visit if I can convince myself I do need more yarn right now. Maybe if I finish Harry's sweater.